Mr. Marat S. Huzhin, a lawyer, criminal defence, arbitration.
According to the results of the Panel meeting of the St. Petersburg City Court the appellate of judicial decision made not in favour of the client was cancelled. The case was sent for review to the same court, but in a different panel of judges. The client’s interests in court were represented by Mr. Marat S. Huzhin, a lawyer of the law company «Slovo&Delo».
Let us remind, earlier, on the first circle of the trial, the Court of first instance ruled on the refusal to the client in a lawsuit for the return of ownership to commercial real estate worth over 100,000,000.00 roubles. The courts of appeal and cassation instances left the decision unchanged and customer’s complaints without satisfaction, however, through the implementation of the selected legal strategies and addressing of the cassation appeal to the Judicial panel on civil cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation the negative for the customer court orders were cancelled, the case was sent for a new consideration in the court of appeal.
Saint-Petersburg, 28.09.2018